How to Teach Children to Eat Fruits and Vegetables

I am so conscientious of the fact that we must eat a healthy diet consisting of plenty of fruits and vegetables. That the food we eat is more than to satisfy our hunger (and hanger!) but also to give us some serious nourishment. Therefore,  cooking and learning to make healthy foods that include vegetables are top priority for me. I feel like it’s so important that I teach my children how to eat healthy and that eating healthy does taste good in order for them to continue doing so when they grow up and have their own families.

How to teach Children to Eat Healthy?

how to get kids to eat healthy

1.Talk about the types of vitamins and minerals included in fruits and vegetables. Talk about how these foods are good for us and how that helps us.

For example, we are eating carrots which is a good source of vitamin K, B6, and it’s also really good for our eyes. Or we are eating bananas which is loaded in potassium, it helps our hearts.

I often use my phone and just look up “lettuce vitamin” and then I read the information to the kids. It’s really convenient and we all get to learn why it is important to eat what we are eating.

Go ahead and teach them how to say the names of the fruits and vegetables in different languages. My son one time said “I don’t like bananas.” I was very surprised by this statement, until he said “I like plátanos!”

2. Talk about how fruits ad vegetables are grown and harvested.

Use YouTube, library books and talk about how vegetables are grown. There are so many videos available that show people planting and harvesting their own vegetables.

3. Plant Fruits ans Vegetables at Home

Whether you have a large or small space, make use of it. You can grow tomatoes even in a small patio! Start out with herbs, plant your seeds or get a small plant from a local store to continue growing some herbs at home. Have your children water them, care for them, and cut a few leaves here and there when you need them for cooking. They will be so proud of themselves for being able to eat something from their very own garden!

3. Take them to a field to harvest fruits and vegetables.

picking fresh fruit

Even if you can’t have your own garden, there are many places all around where you can go and pick your own fruits and vegetables. It is such a fun family activity. A great time to put the phones away, disconnect, and connect! It’s really bonding activity and you get to find food for your home.

This year we have gone to pick organic strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries. It’s been quite the experience! Find out what is in season and find a location near you. Enjoy your time together!

4. Cook with fruits and vegetables throughout the day – even for snacks!

baked oatmeal berries banana.jpg

You can include as many fruits and vegetables into meals as you’d like. One of my favorite things about vegetables is the variety of colors available in different peppers and fruits! It makes a dish look so pretty. Make smoothies or serve veggies with a dip and you are good to go. Just put it at the table and they will come!

Go here to see my family’s favorite healthy snacks.

5. Allow children to help cook with fruits and vegetables.

One can wash veggies, one can peel, and another one can use a spiralizer. Everyone can have fun! Keep in mind their abilities and adult supervision.

6. Model Healthy Eating – Lead by Example! 

vive sano vive fresco

Like the Chilean saying says “Hay que comenzar en casa”. We have to start at home. I have to make sure I am intentional about the way I eat too. I could spend all day talking to them about eating this or that. BUT if they don’t see me doing it, will it make a difference? Probably not. We must model eating healthy so they can also do it.

Chime in: How do you teach your children to eat fruits and vegetables? What would you add to the list?

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3 thoughts on “How to Teach Children to Eat Fruits and Vegetables

  1. Awesome post! I’ve been noticing all the healthy foods that you and your children make (from FB picture). It’s really encouraging me to try some with my own kiddos, so thank you!! Love you, Fabi! 🙂 Jill


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